Founder of PUBG (Introduction to PUBG and PUBG Mobile)

Founder of PUBG :(Introduction)

when it comes the question who is founder of  Player's Unknown Battle Ground's (PUBG), we have only one person to blame who is smiling in the below photo.

Brendan Greene, Founder of PUBG
Brendan Greene, Founder of PUBG
Source: PUBG Corp
Okay now you have seen who is the creator of PUBG,
So, now lets start with the small Intro to Brendan Green. Born in Ireland(Ballyshannon)in 1976
He is of Irish nationality, and his zodiac sign is Aries. ( I know you don't want to know this  but still there is not much information about his parents and family I had to add this point )
He was raised in The Curragh Camp, an Army Camp. He completed his graduation from a local of Ireland in Fine Arts. 

In his early stage of life, he started his career as DJ and Wedding Photographer and began to explore web designing in Sao Paulo in 2013. 
Greene wasn't in a great place Brazil in 2013.Where he moved along with his wife, but their marriage ended in divorce (reason even I don't know).
After this he started to 
Collecting on all the money he made from Photography and Designing websites, Green was trying to save money for buying a plane ticket to back to home Ireland. 

In 2014, Greene had saved enough money to move back to his native Ireland, but major problem arises when he returned to Ireland. He had trouble in finding work near his hometown. He was forced to move in with his parents and go on social welfare, the Irish equivalent of unemployment benefits gave him 180 Euros per week which is equal to $202 US Dollars.(What he used to do with this money I'm going to reveal in next paragraph so stay tuned to the blog)

Journey from unemployment to creating a billion dollar game: 

After going back to his native Greene was unemployed as I mentioned earlier, So what do you thing an unemployed individual do, started playing games. In one of his interviews he said he had played everything from Atari 2700 growing up to Delta Force:(Atari 2700 was a new iteration of the popular early video game console. Compatible with all Atari 2600 games and accessories) Black Hawk Down on PlayStation 2 but he was never a serious gamer.

Along with playing these games Greene soon discovered the world of online video games, while playing this online video games he came across that through "mods" (Modifications) players can modify the games means with help of mods a player can create their own custom version of a video game by adjusting the source code to alter game play. 

As a web designer, Green knew enough basic coding knowledge to experiment  with own mod games. Once he is ready with the mindset to alter the existing game he drew inspiration from existing survivor style mods games, and a Japanese sci-fi film "Battle Royal" also added an advantage in which high school students are dropped o an island, given weapons and then forced to fight to the death.

Green, even named his first mod as "a last man standing death-match" which was very similar to the movie which mentioned earlier  "Battle Royal". In this mod a group of players are dropped in a harsh environment, rush to find the weapons and battle each other till the end. 

Finally we got some clue how the idea emerged in Greene's mind to discover PUBG or PUBG mobile. So move on to the next phase where find the ways to build the game.

Struggle behind the Successful game - PUBG

Once he was ready with his ideas it's time to execute the plans for that Greene need spend on hosting's for the gaming mod's what he has designed, the money what he used get from the unemployment benefit's of Ireland. Greene used to cash to pay computer servers to host his gaming mods.
Greene's parents were really worried that Greene was focused on making free gaming mods and asked him if he was making any money from this.
Initial reply of Greene's was "there's a possibility I could get to make my own game, someday. But, right now, no"  
by this time no major company or game developer had caught Green's work, that was a quite though time for him.
But he had faith in his mods and believed in Battle Royals, so that where he dedicated his efforts. 

Luckily for Greene, a company called Daybreak Game company caught an eye on Greene's battle royal ARMA mod on streaming video game site Twitch.

At last Green got a call from Daybreak gaming company in late 2014, Company asked him to work as a consultant on game called H1Z1 so they could license his battle royal concept to use in the game.
That was a very lucky opportunity to Greene, he worked for 2 years in Daybreak as consultant then he left the job there after a meeting with his welfare officer (Explaining about his future plans)

In 2016, a South Korean game company Bluehole (krafton Game Union) reached out to Greene about developing his own battle royal title, which would become  Player's Unknown Battle Ground's (PUBG), 

Success Of the Game PUBG 

Sales of  the game too off  "from the first day" after PUBG launched for Microsoft Windows in December 2017 and Xbox, Sony PlayStation in 2018.
Instant popularity was a massive surprise to Greene and Bluehole, Just in 6 months, they had 3,000,000. online players at a time, and the game has sold over 55 million copies, 
After the massive success on both consoles and PC, PUBG Corp, decided to partner with famous Chinese game publisher, to release a mobile version, Tencent Games, to release a mobile version called PUBG Mobile,  
Tencent Games developed team, Lightspeed and Quantum Studio group were responsible for developing the mobile version. 
PUBG Mobile was released in March 2018, and instantly dominated the mobile game, it broke the Google Play Store record for most number of downloads with over 200 millions downloads as of date 
From March 2018 to May 2020 PUBG Mobile has 13 seasons, players are loving fresh content and addition to the maps, and future of PUBG corp, looks as bright as ever.

A small conclusion to Founder of PUBG

Now Greene serves as a Director of Special Projects at PUBG Corporation, he is living in Amsterdam, where he bikes to PUBG Corp's office everyday. But he still works from 9 a.m to 5.30 p.m "a pretty regular life". 

Success Means (Greene), I'm comfortable now; I can provide form my family, my 13 year old daughter and stuff, and they don't need to worry. 

Here is how the journey of Brendan Greene started with the Alteration Mod's to building his own "Battle Royal" title Game.

Want to educate yourself more about PUBG and PUBG Mobile Please follows my blog. And let me know how much did you like the blog or any other suggestions in the comment box.

Thank you for your Precious time.

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